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Managing notifications

Everything regarding notifications is managed through the SnackManager.

You can access this manager in your React components using the useSnackManager hook. Outside of React components you can use the SnackManager instance you passed to the SnackProvider directly.

Enqueuing notifications

You can enqueue new notifications using the enqueue method of the SnackManager. The method accepts either a simple message string as argument or an object of type NewSnack that allows you to specify more options.

import { useSnackManager } from "@snackstack/core";

function App() {
const manager = useSnackManager();

manager.enqueue("Simple notification");

id: 1,
message: <div>Some complex message</div>,
variant: "error",
persist: true,
meta: {
custom: "value",
action: (snack) => (
<button onClick={() => alert(snack.meta["custom"])}>Click me</button>

// Omitted code for brevity

Checkout the API reference of SnackManager to learn more about the possible options.

Closing notifications

You can close notifications using the close method of the SnackManager.


All this does is set the status property on the Snack to closing. The effect of this is up to the implementation of the display mechanism. Most commonly it would initiate a closing transition.

import { useSnackManager } from "@snackstack/core";

function App() {
const manager = useSnackManager();

const snackId = 1;


// Omitted code for brevity

Removing notifications

You can remove notifications using the remove method of the SnackManager.

Normally you would do this after the closing transition, initiated by closing the notification, has finished.

import { useSnackManager } from "@snackstack/core";

function App() {
const manager = useSnackManager();

const snackId = 1;


// Omitted code for brevity

Updating notifications

You can update notifications using the update method of the SnackManager.

import { useSnackManager } from "@snackstack/core";

function App() {
const manager = useSnackManager();

const snackId = 1;

manager.update(snackId, { persist: true });

// Omitted code for brevity

If your message should be reactive, you wouldn't use update, rather you would render a React component as the message:

message: <ProgressComponent />,